Saturday, December 11, 2010

Okay~ Finally............ Double apologies to the really really late update. Now i'm really gonna start updating about last week's.. I just got home from Bb house and he is right here with me at moi house hehehe. I'm a happygurl94 now cuz i managed to get 2 days of off days. Well........

Caught '' The Huanted House Project '' Suck. Don't ever watch it. I was actually asleep in the cinema untill i heard a loud ''BOOM'' Oh it rlly shocked me badly. But overall, the movie was like suck, Untill the last part.

I really love this doll alot. I know alot of places have been selling such small dolls keychains lately but i just could not find the doll which is exactly the same as this. Don't it look cute? :((

Bb bought ourself a wrist leather band from Pasher for 130bucks. Went over to PS to engrave it. I know he felt regret buying it. Sigh..

Steamboat tml yay! Update more on sunday about tml. :)

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