Saturday, December 3, 2011

The weekends finally arrived. It's a saturday today and i'm staying at home. So i'm here, giving this space of mine a little update about life. Yes. Life sucks, totally. I don't see a reason for me to be happy. So what if i've family, friends, and someone who i'm in a relationship with for 3 years?

A broken family. A mum who's always been there for me and everything for 17 years and i have to slowly accept the fact that she's gone for life? 
Friends. Friends who are always telling me that they're gonna be there for me no matter what, but when i'm screaming my lungs out for help. Everyone of them suddenly got deaf...? 
Lastly. Being with someone who seem to love you a lot but can't stop complaining about how his girlfriend sucks a lot to him to around to people constantly for 3 fucking years? 

Oh that shit hurts. Totally. That explained why i'm always whining about how depressed i am. I may sound dramatic over here but what the fuck, i'm serious. Haha, sorry that i kinda whined and rant too much. I can't find anyone to talk to... but here. I shall go back to twitter and tumblr right now, good bye x

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